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Planning the perfect job search

Changing Jobs Successfully

Like most people changing jobs, you want to find a good job, with a good company. You want to feel you are being paid the going rate, find the job interesting and feel that you are making a contribution.

That's what we want for you too!   A good job.

Key Factors When Planning Your Job Search

  • Be clear with your self as to why you are looking for a new job - don’t like your field of work, no challenge, company ethos?
  • Think carefully about what you are looking for (and what you’re not looking for). Having these points clear in your head allow you to be more focussed in your job search
  • Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses - If you are looking to more fields do you have the experience and qualifiations to move in to this field? What are you good at but also be aware of what your weaknesses are so you can address these accordingly. Don’t wait until the job interview to do these as if you haven’t highlighted them on the CV you mightn’t even be invited for an interview. 
  • Do your research - networking and research are key - find out what opportunities are availble in the fields you are interested in by checking job boards and chatting to recruiters.  Some job opportunities might not even be advertised so it’s a good way to get yourself in the front line for job opportunities.
  • Ensure you set aside time to actively job search - make job searching your “job” for a couple of hours each day.
  • Practice your interview techniques - you may not have had an interview yet, but you should be prepared you might be called in for an interview at short notice. Make note of some common interview questions (we will hyperlink this to a page we have on interview questions) in your field and practice your responses  - you’ll be prepared to impress in the interview as you won’t have to think about the appropriate answer.

Five Key Factors Need To Be Right For You To Change Jobs Successfully

  • Location

This is key and often people’s reason for changing jobs.
Realistically a commute of over 40 mins become unsustainable in the medium term. It costs a lots and impacts too much on life outside work.

  • The Job 

You need to be able to do the job successfully.
You don’t want to find yourself in a job you can’t do, that’s not smart. At interviewing stage make sure you ask the right questions  (link to Interview Questions) so you know what need to be done.

  • Money
  • You need to be reference checkable

It's important to be prepared to provide a list of employment references who can speak about the skills and qualifications that you have for the job you are applying for. Plan ahead and get your references in order, before you need them. Employers need to be able to check your work history.

  • Reason for changing

Just remember, you must be able to explain why you are looking to change jobs.

Honesty is the best policy. Reasons for changing can be many and varied so this is an important part of your job search to get right. There are many good reasons to leave a position — some that should be discussed in a job interview and some that absolutely should not. With this question interviewers are looking to get not only a valid reason for you leaving but also whether you left voluntarily, on good terms and also your work values. Think about and practice your response to this question for when you are asked in an interview – any doubts about the authenticity of your answer can affect the outcome of your interview. If there was a negative reason for leaving the last role, try and emphasize the positive. You may want to briefly address the negative situation, but be sure to do this with diplomacy.

If you would like to discuss please contact me Harry Walsh 021 436 8330 or e-mail me.


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